Money flows frequently and easily into my life.

You are here for a reason. You only hear what you are ready to hear. You only see what you are ready to see. You expected greatness and are now ready to receive it. 


My passion for all things metaphysical began when I was in my early twenties. I was struggling to stay afloat at university and knew that I was not in alignment with my spirit. I was gifted a book called "The Monk who Sold his Ferrari" written by Robin Sharma by my husband and instantly fell in love with personal development and our ability to co create lives we love. I started studying material by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks, Gabrielle Bernstein, Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins. My life began to change drastically. I attracted my dream job into my life, I became a mum to two girls and started to attract abundance into my life that I never thought possible!

Abigail Nepaul is a wife and mum, success coach, speaker, attorney and former radio presenter. Abigail has spoken at numerous women's day events and is deeply passionate about success through spirituality.

Abigail teaches her clients how to re create their life experiences using their internal guidance system, intuition and spiritual connection.

Learn how to connect with your spirit guides, feel your way forward and receive guidance from higher intelligence. 

Your best is yet to come!